Forex Trading Over The Helg

Når ikke å handle. Det er en rekke scenarier hvor det er uhensiktsmessig å handle. Disse kan skilles i personlige miljømessige grunner og markedsårsaker. Personlige grunner til ikke å handle. Gjør av alle forstyrrelser Du må kunne konsentrere deg om diagrammer og ikke bli fanget opp med andre ting som foregår. For eksempel kan du vente på en handel, og så blir du distrahert, og når du kommer tilbake til diagrammet, har du gått glipp av handelen eller du kjøper i stedet for å selge osv. Distraksjoner kan være kostbare. livet er fullt av distraksjoner, så legg katten i hallen og lukk døren Legg barnet i lekestuen hvor du kan se henne, men i det minste vil du ikke bekymre deg for at hun har vandret av igjen Uansett hva dine potensielle forstyrrelser er, avtale med dem før du begynner å handle. Selv en ninja kan miste en kamp hvis distrahert. Motive ganger Hvis noe følelsesmessig har skjedd, og du kan ikke være subjektiv, så ikke handle. Dette kan være et hvilket som helst antall ting som hadde negati påvirker dagen din Det kan være at du brøt sammen med din partner til en død i familien osv. Du må kunne vurdere hva som skjer på kort tid, og hvis du er mentalt andre steder, kan dette ha en negativ innvirkning på din handelskonto. Personlige tider som du ikke bør handle, kan virkelig oppsummeres som tider når du er ute av synk med din normale kroppsrytme. Dette er tider hvor dine følelser eller omgivelser kan påvirke måten du handler på, og kan alvorlig hindre sannsynligheten for en vellykket handel. De gode nyhetene er at disse har en tendens til å være ting du kan kontrollere eller ha litt kontroll over. Markedsgrunnene til at du ikke tar en handel, er litt annerledes. Disse har en tendens til å være ekstern hvor du har svært liten eller ingen kontroll over dem. Disse kan virkelig sparke deg i butten og la deg limpe for en stund, ignorer disse på din Peril. Market grunner til ikke å handle. Bankferier Disse er planlagte og det er ingenting du kan gjøre med det hvis Det er en USA eller UK Bank Holiday Jeg bryr meg ikke om handel Dette skyldes at bankene er de største deltakerne i valutamarkedet Hvis de er på ferie, blir volumet av transaksjoner kraftig redusert Dette kan føre til enten virkelig statiske markeder eller til og med uberegnelige markeder Uansett følger det ikke det normale mønsteret, så jeg forblir klar. Hvis det imidlertid er bankferie i et annet land som Japan eller Australia, vil jeg ikke handle valutaer som tilhører disse landene, for eksempel jpy eller aud par, men vil fortsatt handle gbp usd chf etc par. News Det er planlagte nyheter, og økonomiske nyheter, som skal frigjøres gjennom dagen. Disse kan bli funnet på forhånd på flere steder, men de fleste populær en ser ut til å være Forex-kalenderen, som tilbys av Forex Factory. Det er 3 typer nyheter, gul, oransje og rød. Hver har en annen innvirkning og er alle forklart i kalenderen. Det pleier å være mapper som vanligvis ikke er en god ide for ra new trader for å prøve å handle Høye virkninger, røde mapper, kan virkelig flytte markedet, noen ganger spiking i begge retninger, før oppgjøret gjøres. Dette er høye risikotider hvor mange mennesker blir stoppet ut. De som jeg spesielt unngår, ville være ISM-produksjonsdata, renteutlysninger og NFP-relaterte nyhetsmeldinger Det er imidlertid ikke bare kunngjøringene som kan påvirke markedet Rykter om hva potensielle tall vil være, kan føre til at markedene beveger seg i forventning. Derfor er det ikke en god idé å handle, for timen før eller etter nyheten. Med NFP er det en god ide å ikke handle den dagen i det hele tatt. Nå kan det virke ekstremt, men disse kan være de største kontomordene og kan slette en ny konto i noen få sekunder. Spester Disse tendensene er vanligvis også på kalenderen. Hvis bestemte personer snakker, vennligst ikke handle. Disse menneskene inkluderer ECBs president Jean-Claude Trichet Fed-leder Ben Bernanke og BOE Governor Me Rvyn King Det er viktig at når BOJ-guvernør Masaaki Shirakawa snakker om å være oppmerksom. Disse har en tendens til å skje når folk sover, så mindre av bekymring. Men hvis du handler den japanske økten, vær så skeptisk. Disse menneskene er beryktede for å slippe hint om økonomisk politiske endringer som sannsynligvis vil skje med valutaen de er ansvarlige for Disse tipsene gir mye spekulasjon i markedet og derfor mye prisbevegelse. Disse kan være store valutaforskuddtakere, da de generelt er ansvarlige for å sette rentenivå i disse landene, og som nevnt ovenfor kan rentemeldinger forårsake store bevegelser. Rikke perioder Det vil være tider hvor en valuta beveger seg annerledes enn normalt. Kanskje det er spiking og du vet ikke hvorfor. Dette er en god tid å holde seg utenfor markedet. Hvis du ikke Jeg forstår hvorfor det beveger seg slik dette da er det generelt fordi det er uplanlagte nyheter som har blitt utgitt eller lekket. Dette er generelt dårlige nyheter, og markedet er fortsatt usikker på hvordan man skal reagere på det. Dette skjedde for eksempel i løpet av den siste kredittkrisen og de ulike bankene rapporterte at de hadde store vanskeligheter. Det er uhensiktsmessig å holde handler over helgen, med mindre metoden er lang sikt strategi som spesielt innebærer å holde handler for lengre tidsrammer, for eksempel uker eller måneder. Det kan mye skje i løpet av helgen. Alt som kreves, er at 1 Bank skal gå over for helgen for at posisjonen din skal gå helt forskjellig fra hvordan du forventet A Terrorangrep kan skje i helgen, noe som også vil flytte markederne. Nå kan disse virke ut av normen, men hvis du ser disse, har det skjedd nylig i mer enn en anledning. Disse typer hendelser vil generelt føre til at markedsåpningen igjen vil et stort gap og generelt med en stor forandring i stillingen. Mange ganger kan dette føre til alvorlig skade på handelsbalansen din. Markedet lukke åpent God idé å unngå disse eller være skeptiske aroun d disse tider På markedet lukkes en rekke handelsposisjoner. Dette vil føre til volatilitet i valutamarkedene og kan føre til at prisen beveger seg ulovlig. Det samme gjelder ved åpning av markedet. Mange er åpne posisjoner som de ikke vil holde dem over helgen av de grunnene som er nevnt ovenfor. desember og sommerferie banker har en tendens til å handle forexmarkeder minst en gang om dagen av balanse grunner og kan også handle flere ganger i løpet av dagen for spekulasjon grunner. når jeg sier balanse ark grunner, jeg mener å balansere ut sin valuta bok De trenger et visst beløp av hver valuta for å møte etterspørselen fra sine kunder, både personlig og forretningsmessig, som må kjøpe utenlandsk valuta fra banken eller bytte ut utenlandsk valuta for deres lokale valuta Bankene må balansere dette ut hver dag ellers de lar seg åpne for valutarisiko Dette betyr at banker er de store aktørene i Forex markedet. Så i desember og Sommermånedene mange bankmedlemmer tar ferie. Derfor svekkes Forexmarkedet generelt ettersom det er færre deltakere på markedet. Dette er generelt en god tid for private handelsfolk som oss å ta en ferie Hvis markedene er flate, er det nei poeng i handel så gå av og nyt deg selv. Du må holde kroppen din i førsteklasses kamptilstand, men helligdager er også en del av å gi deg et avslappende tidspunkt å lade batteriene, klar til å gå når du kommer tilbake. Ekspedisjonsrisiko. Disse parene har en risikonivå forbundet med dem som ikke kan være iboende Markedet for disse valutaene er svært illikvide, likviditet opprettholdes og leveres av en eller få eksterne kilder. Disse likviditetsproblemene inkluderer, men er ikke begrenset til, manglende evne til å gå ut av posisjoner basert på mangel på markedsaktivitet, forskjeller i oppgitte priser og endelig utførelse, eller en forsinkelse i utførelsen mens en motpart for din spesifikke transaksjon er identifisert. Med disse nsiderations i tankene er det avgjørende at enhver næringsdrivende faktor dette inn i enhver handelsavgjørelse. Derfor oppfordrer vi sterkt alle handelsmenn til å benytte avanserte ordredetyper for å redusere disse risikoene. LØSNINGER I UTFØRING. Dager i utførelse kan forekomme ved bruk av FXCM s No Dealing Desk forex-kjøring modell av ulike årsaker, for eksempel tekniske problemer med næringsdrivendes internettforbindelse til FXCM, en forsinkelse i ordrebekreftelse fra en likviditetsleverandør eller mangel på tilgjengelig likviditet for valutaparet som handelsmannen forsøker å handle på grunn av iboende volatilitet i markeder er det avgjørende at handelsmenn har en fungerende og pålitelig internettforbindelse. Det er omstendigheter når næringsdrivendes personlige internettforbindelse kanskje ikke opprettholder en konstant forbindelse med FXCM-serverne på grunn av mangel på signalstyrke fra en trådløs eller oppringt forbindelse. En forstyrrelse i forbindelsen kan banen noen ganger avbryte signalet og deaktivere FXCM Trading Station, og forårsaker forsinkelser i Overføring av data mellom handelsstasjonen og FXCM-serveren En måte å sjekke Internett-forbindelsen med FXCM-serveren på er å pinge serveren fra datamaskinen. RESET ORDERS. Markets volatilitet skaper forhold som gjør det vanskelig å utføre bestillinger til den angitte prisen på grunn av til et ekstremt høyt volum av ordrer. Når ordrene kan utføres, er budsprisen som en likviditetsleverandør er villig til å ta stilling til, flere pips unna. I tilfeller der likviditetspuljen ikke er stor nok til å fylle en rekkefølge rekkefølge, vil bestillingen ikke bli utført For Limit Entry eller Limit bestillinger vil bestillingen ikke bli utført, men i stedet nullstille til bestillingen kan fylles. Husk at både Limit Entry og Limit bestillinger garanterer pris, men garanterer ikke kjøring Avhengig av den underliggende handelsstrategien og de underliggende markedsforholdene kan være mer opptatt av utførelse i forhold til prisen mottatt. VIDEREDE SPREADS. There kan forekomme når sprer seg med Spredningen er en funksjon av markedslikviditet og i perioder med begrenset likviditet, åpent marked eller ved overdragelse klokken 05.00 ET, kan spredene øke som følge av usikkerhet i retning av priser, en oppgang i markedsvolatiliteten , eller mangel på markedslikviditet Det er ikke uvanlig å se at spredene vokser spesielt rundt rollover. Handelstildeling er typisk en veldig stille periode i markedet, siden forretningsdagen i New York er nettopp avsluttet, og det er fortsatt noen timer før den nye Forretningsdag begynner i Tokyo Å være kjent med disse mønstrene og ta dem i betraktning mens du handler med åpne ordrer eller plasserer nye handler rundt disse tider, kan forbedre din handelserfaring. Dette kan oppstå under nyhetshendelser, og sprekker kan vokse vesentlig for å kompensere for den enorme mengde volatilitet i markedet De utvidede spreads kan bare vare noen sekunder eller så lenge noen få minutter FXCM oppfordrer handelsmenn til å utnytte caut ion når du handler om nyhetshendelser og alltid være oppmerksom på deres egenkapital, brukbar margin og markedseksponering. Utvidede sprekker kan påvirke alle posisjoner i en konto, inkludert sikrede posisjoner som er omtalt nedenfor. HANGERORDNINGER. I perioder med høyt volum kan hengende ordrer forekomme Dette er en betingelse hvor en ordre er i ferd med å utføre, men kjøringen er ikke bekreftet. Ordren vil bli uthevet i rødt, og statuskolonnen vil indikere utført eller behandlet i ordrevinduet. I disse tilfellene er ordren i Prosessen med å bli henrettet, men er ventet til FXCM mottar bekreftelse fra likviditetsleverandøren at de oppgitte prisene fortsatt er tilgjengelige. I perioder med tungt handelsvolum er det mulig at en kø av ordrer vil danne. Økningen i innkommende ordre kan noen ganger skape forhold hvor Det er en forsinkelse fra likviditetsleverandørene i å bekrefte bestemte ordrer. Avhengig av hvilken type bestilling som er plassert, kan utfallene variere i t han har et markedssortiment som ikke kan fylles innenfor det angitte området, eller hvis forsinkelsen er bestått, vil bestillingen ikke bli utført. Ved en på markedsordre vil alle forsøk gjøres for å fylle bestillingen ved neste Tilgjengelig pris på markedet I begge situasjoner vil statuskolonnen i bestillingsvinduet typisk indikere utført eller behandlet. Handelen vil ganske enkelt ta et øyeblikk for å flytte til vinduet med åpne posisjoner Avhengig av ordnetypen, kan plasseringen faktisk ha vært henrettes, og forsinkelsen skyldes ganske enkelt tung internettrafikk. Husk at det bare er nødvendig å legge inn noen ordre en gang. Flere oppføringer i samme rekkefølge kan sakte eller låse datamaskinen eller utilsiktet åpne uønskede stillinger. Hvis du er når som helst, er du kan ikke få tilgang til FXCM Trading Station for å administrere kontoen din. Du kan ringe Handelsdisken direkte på 1 212-201-7300. Se en fullstendig liste over internasjonale kontaktnumre. GJELDET PRIS. t oppstår når forex likviditetsleverandører som leverer priser til FXCM ikke aktivt lager et marked for bestemte valutapar og likviditeten derfor reduserer FXCM, vil ikke forsiktig gråte ut priser, men det kan til tider oppstå en kraftig økning i forskjellen i spredningen på grunn av tap av tilkobling med en leverandør eller på grunn av en kunngjøring som har en dramatisk effekt på markedet som begrenser likviditet. Slik gradering ut av priser eller økte spreads kan føre til marginsamtaler på en handelsmannskonto. Når en ordre er plassert på et valutapar påvirket Ved å gråte ut priser, vil PL midlertidig blinke til null til paret har en omsettelig pris, og systemet kan beregne PL-balansen. Muligheten for sikring tillater at en næringsdrivende holder både kjøp og salg av stillinger i samme valutapar samtidig. Traders har muligheten til å gå inn på markedet uten å velge en bestemt retning for et valutapar Selv om sikring kan redusere eller begrense fremtidige tap, gjør det ikke vent kontoen fra å bli utsatt for ytterligere tap helt I forexmarkedet kan en forhandler fullt ut sikre seg etter kvantitet, men ikke etter pris. Dette skyldes forskjellen mellom kjøps - og salgspriser, eller spredningen Effektiv, 2. desember 2012, FXCM handelsmenn vil bli pålagt å sette opp margin for den ene siden den større siden av en sikret posisjon. Marginekravene kan overvåkes til enhver tid i det enkle handlingsrenten vinduet. Mens evnen til sikring er en tiltalende funksjon, bør handelsmenn være oppmerksomme på følgende faktorer som kan påvirke sikrede posisjoner. Innskyvende margin. En marginalanrop kan oppstå selv når en konto er fullt sikret, siden spredningen kan øke, og den resterende marginen i kontoen reduseres. Dersom den resterende marginen ikke er tilstrekkelig til å opprettholde eventuelle åpne posisjoner, vil kontoen kan opprettholde et marginalanrop, lukke eventuelle åpne posisjoner i kontoen. Selv om du opprettholder en lang og kort stilling, kan du gi inntrykk av at hans eksponering for Markedsbevegelsen er begrenset, dersom mangel på tilgjengelig margin eksisterer og sprer seg for en viss periode, kan det sikkert resultere i et marginanrop på alle posisjoner. ROLLOVER COSTS. Rollover er samtidig lukning og åpning av en stilling på et bestemt tidspunkt i løpet av dagen for å unngå oppgjør og levering av den kjøpte valutaen. Dette begrepet refererer også til interessen enten belastet eller anvendt på en handelsmanns konto for stillinger holdt over natten, noe som betyr etter klokken 17.00 ET på FXCMs plattformer. Tidspunktet hvor stillinger er lukket og gjenåpnet, og overdragelsesavgiften debiteres eller krediteres, blir ofte referert til som Trade Rollover TRO. Det er viktig å merke seg at overgangskostnader vil være høyere enn overgangstidspenninger Når alle posisjoner er sikret i en konto, selv om den totale nettoposisjonen kan være flatt, kan kontoen fortsatt opprettholde tap på grunn av spredningen som oppstår når overgangen oppstår. Sprekker under overgang kan være bredere sammenlignet med annen tid perioder på grunn av at likviditetsleverandører øyeblikkelig kommer frakoblet for å avgjøre dagens transaksjoner. Behandle stillinger i henhold til rollover og forstå implikasjonene av sprer som utvides med hensyn til utførelse med eksisterende åpne posisjoner eller nye stillinger. EXCHANGE RATE FLUCTUATIONS PIP COSTS. Vekslingsfrekvenser, eller pip-kostnader, er definert som verdien gitt til en pipbevegelse for et bestemt valutapar. Denne kostnaden er valutabeløpet som vil bli oppnådd eller tapt med hver pipbevegelse av valutaparens rente og vil bli denominert i valutaverdien av Kontoen der paret blir handlet På FXCM-plattformene, kan pipkostnaden for alle valutaparene bli funnet ved å velge Vis, etterfulgt av Dealerende visninger, og deretter ved å klikke Enkle priser for å bruke avmerkingsmerket ved siden av det Hvis enkle priser allerede har et merke ved siden av det. Det er like enkelt å se handelstakstene i den enkle visningen som på fanen Simple Dealing Rates i deali ng rate window Når det er synlig, viser den enkle satsen visningen pipprisen på høyre side av vinduet. INVERTED SPREADS. When du handler forex med FXCM ved hjelp av en No Dealing Desk-utførelsesmodell, handler du på prisfeeder som er Leveres av flere likviditetsleverandører, pluss FXCM s-markering. I sjeldne tilfeller kan disse innmatingene bli forstyrret. Dette kan bare vare et øyeblikk, men når det gjøres, blir spreads omvendt. I disse sjeldne tilfeller anbefaler FXCM at klienter unngår å plassere At Markedsordrer Mens det kan være fristende å sette frihandel, må du huske på at prisene ikke er ekte, og at din faktiske fylling kan være mange pips vekk fra den viste prisen. I tilfelle handler utføres til priser som ikke faktisk tilbys av FXCM s Likviditetsleverandører forbeholder FXCM seg retten til å reversere slike handler, da de ikke anses som gyldige handler. Ved å plassere ordrer på markedet eller ikke handle i disse øyeblikkene, kan handelsfolk unngå risikoen forbundet med ovennevnte scenarier. HOLIDAY VEKNISK EXECUTIONS. TRADING DESK HOURS. Handelsdisken åpnes søndager mellom kl. 00.00 ET og kl. 15.00 ET Handelsdisken stenger på fredager kl. 55.00 ET. Vær oppmerksom på at bestillinger som er lagt til før kan fylles inn til kl. 00.00 ET og at handelsfolk som plasserer handler mellom 4 55 og 5:00 ET kan ikke avbryte ordrer i avventning av utførelse. Dersom en Market GTC-ordre sendes rett på markedet, er det mulig at det ikke kan utføres til søndag på markedet. Vær forsiktig når du handler rundt fredag ​​s marked lukk og faktor all informasjonen beskrevet ovenfor til enhver handelsbeslutning. Åpne eller nærme tider kan endres av Handelsdisken fordi det er avhengig av at prisene blir tilbudt av likviditetsleverandører til FXCM Utenfor disse tidene, de fleste av de store verdensbankene og finanssentrene er stengt. Mangelen på likviditet og volum i løpet av helgen hindrer gjennomføring og prisleveranse. PRIS OPPDATERING FØR ÅPEN. Kort tid før åpningen har Tradin g Desk oppdaterer priser for å reflektere dagens markedsprimering i forberedelse til det åpne. På dette tidspunktet handles og handler over helgen. Kvalifiseringer i løpet av denne tiden kan ikke kjøres for nye markedsordrer. Etter åpningen kan handelsmenn sette opp nye handler, og avbestille eller endre eksisterende ordrer. Søndagens åpningspriser kan eller ikke være de samme som fredagens sluttpriser. Til tider er prisene på søndagsåpningen nært der prisene var fredagstengt. På andre tidspunkter kan det være en betydelig forskjell mellom fredag ​​s nært og søndag er åpent Markedet kan være gap hvis det er en betydelig nyhetsmelding eller en økonomisk begivenhet som endrer hvordan markedet ser på verdien av en valuta. Traders som holder posisjoner eller ordrer over helgen, bør være fullt komfortable med potensialet av markedet til gap. ORDER EXECUTION. Limit bestillinger er ofte fylt til ønsket pris eller bedre Hvis ønsket pris eller en bedre pris ikke er tilgjengelig i markedet, vil ordren vil Jeg blir ikke fylt Hvis den forespurte prisen på en Stoppordre er nådd ved åpning av markedet på søndag, vil bestillingen bli en Markedsordrebegrensning Inntaksordre fylles på samme måte som Limit-ordre. Stoppordre fylles på samme måte som Stopper. WEEKEND RISK. Trader som frykter at markedene kan være ekstremt volatile i helgen, det kan forekomme, eller at potensialet for helgesikring ikke passer for deres handelsstil, kan ganske enkelt lukke opp ordrer og stillinger fremover i helgen Det er avgjørende at handelsmenn som holder åpne posisjoner over helgen, forstår at potensialet eksisterer for store økonomiske hendelser og nyhetsbrev om å påvirke verdien av dine underliggende posisjoner. Med tanke på volatiliteten uttrykt i markedene, er det ikke uvanlig at prisene skal være et antall pips vekk på markedet åpent fra markedet Lukk Vi oppfordrer alle handelsmenn til å ta dette i betraktning før du tar en handelsavgjørelse. MARGIN Ringer og lukker ute. Få samtaler utløses w høne din bruksmargin faller under null Dette skjer når dine flytende tap reduserer kontokapitalen til et nivå som er mindre enn marginbehovet. Resultatet av eventuelle marginanrop er etterfølgende likvidasjon med mindre annet er oppgitt. Ideen om marginhandel er at din marginen fungerer som en trofast innskudd for å sikre den større teoretiske verdien av posisjonen din. Marginhandel tillater handelsmenn å holde en posisjon mye større enn den faktiske kontoverdien. FXCM s Trading Station har marginstyringsfunksjoner som tillater bruk av løftestang Selvfølgelig, handel på margen kommer med risiko, da innflytelse kan virke mot deg så mye som det virker for deg Hvis konto egenkapitalen faller under marginkrav, vil FXCM Trading Station utløse en ordre om å lukke alle åpne posisjoner når stillinger har vært over-leveraged eller trading tap påløper til det punktet at det ikke er tilstrekkelig egenkapital til å opprettholde nåværende åpne posisjoner og brukervarmen for kontoen faller under null, et marginalanrop vil oppstå, og alle åpne posisjoner vil bli lukket likvidert. Vær oppmerksom på at når kontoen s bruksmargin faller under null, blir alle åpne posisjoner utløst for å lukke. Likvidasjonsprosessen er utformet for å være helt elektronisk. Selv om marginen Ringfunksjonen er utformet for å lukke posisjoner når egenkapitalen faller under marginkravene. Det kan forekomme likviditet ikke eksisterer med den nøyaktige marginkonsentraten. Som følge derav kan konto egenkapitalen falle under marginkrav når bestillingene fylles, til og med til det punktet hvor egenkapitalen i kontoen blir negativ Dette gjelder særlig i markedssvikt eller volatile perioder. FXCM anbefaler at handelsfolk bruker Stop-ordrer for å begrense nedadrettingsrisiko i stedet for å bruke et marginalanrop som en endelig stopp. Det anbefales sterkt at klientene opprettholder passende Beløpsmargin i deres kontoer til enhver tid Marginekrav kan endres basert på kontostørrelse, samtidige åpne posisjoner, handelsstil , markedsforhold og etter eget valg av FXCM. Metatrader 4.Ver oppmerksom på at MT4-brukere er underlagt ulike marginalanropsprosedyrer Når et marginalanrop utløses på kontoen, vil individuelle stillinger bli likvidert til gjenværende egenkapital er tilstrekkelig til å støtte eksisterende posisjon s Ved å avgjøre hvilke stillinger som vil bli individuelt likvidert, vil den største tapsposisjonen bli lukket først under likvidasjon. CHART PRICING VS PRISER VIST PÅ PLATFORMEN. Det er viktig å skille mellom indikative priser som vises på diagrammer og omsettelige priser som vises på plattformene , for eksempel Trading Station og MetaTrader 4 Indikative anførselstegn er de som gir indikasjon på prisene i markedet, og prisen som de endrer. Disse prisene er hentet fra en rekke bidragsytere som banker og clearingfirmaer, som kan eller kan ikke reflektere hvor FXCM s likviditetsleverandører lager priser. Indikative priser er vanligvis svært nær å håndtere priser, bu de gir bare en indikasjon på hvor markedet er Executable citerer sikrer finere utførelse og dermed en redusert transaksjonskostnad Fordi spotforexmarkedet mangler en enkelt sentral utveksling hvor alle transaksjoner utføres, kan hver forex-forhandler sitere litt forskjellige priser. Derfor er det noen priser som vises av en tredjeparts kartlegger, som ikke benytter markedsførerens prisvekst, vil gjenspeile indikative priser og ikke nødvendigvis faktiske salgspriser hvor handler kan utføres. MOBILE TRADING PLATFORMS. There er en serie med inneboende risiko ved bruk av Mobil handelsteknologi som duplisering av ordreanvisninger, ventetid i prisene og andre problemer som er et resultat av mobilforbindelse. Prisene som vises på mobilplattformen er bare en indikasjon på kjørbare priser og kan ikke gjenspeile den faktiske utførte prisen av ordren. Mobile TS II benytter offentlige kommunikasjonsnettverkskretser for overføring av meldinger FXCM s hall ikke være ansvarlig for alle forhold der du opplever en forsinkelse i prisnotering eller manglende evne til å handle som følge av nettverkskretsoverføringsproblemer eller andre problemer utenfor direkte kontroll av FXCM. Overføringsproblemer inkluderer, men er ikke begrenset til, styrken til det mobile signalet, mobilitetstiden eller andre problemer som måtte oppstå mellom deg og en hvilken som helst Internett-leverandør, telefonleverandør eller en hvilken som helst annen tjenesteleverandør. Det anbefales sterkt at kundene kjenner seg til funksjonaliteten til FXCM Mobile Trading Station før til å administrere en live-konto via en bærbar device. TS MOBILE TABLET APPLICATION. FXCM s Trading Station Web-plattform har blitt modifisert for å kjøre på mobil - og nettbrett-enheter Den mobile plattformen for nettbrettethetene heter Trading Station Mobile og har samme handelsfunksjoner som Trading Station Nett De samme tilkoblingsrisikoen som er beskrevet ovenfor angående vår Mobile TS II, gjelder for bruk med alle applikasjoner m ade tilgjengelig for tablet trading. Dealing Desk Forex Execution Trading Risks. High RISK INVESTMENT. Trading valutakurs på margen har et høyt nivå av risiko, og kan ikke være egnet for alle investorer Før de bestemmer seg for å handle disse produktene tilbys av Forex Capital Markets, Limited FXCM du bør nøye vurdere dine mål, økonomiske situasjoner, behov og erfaring. Forex Capital Markets Limited er autorisert og regulert av UK Financial Conduct Authority FCA Registreringsnummer 217689 FXCM har sitt hovedkontor på Northern and Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street , 8. etasje, London EC3R 6AD FXCM kan gi generell kommentar uten hensyn til dine mål, økonomiske situasjoner eller behov Generelle råd gitt, eller innholdet på dette nettstedet er ikke ment å være personlig rådgivning og bør ikke tolkes som sådan. Muligheten er at Du kan opprettholde et tap som overstiger dine deponerte midler Du bør være oppmerksom på alle risikoene forbundet med handel på margin FXCM anbefaler at du søker råd fra en uavhengig finansiell rådgiver. FXCM MARKEDSAVTALER. Nye meninger, nyheter, undersøkelser, analyser, priser eller annen informasjon på dette nettstedet er gitt som generell markedskommentar og utgjør ikke investeringsrådgivning FXCM vil ikke akseptere ansvar for tap eller skade, inkludert uten begrensning til tap av fortjeneste, som kan oppstå direkte eller indirekte fra bruk av eller avhengighet av slik informasjon. INTERNET TRADING RISKS. Det er risiko forbundet med å benytte en internettbasert avtale ekspedisjonshandelssystem, inkludert, men ikke begrenset til, maskinvare-, programvare - og Internett-tilkobling. Siden FXCM ikke styrer signalkraft, mottak eller ruting via internett, konfigurasjon av utstyret eller påliteligheten av forbindelsen, kan vi ikke være ansvarlig for kommunikasjonsfeil, forvrengninger eller forsinkelser når du handler via Internett FXCM benytter sikkerhetskopieringssystemer og beredskapsplaner for å minimere Muligheten for systemfeil, som inkluderer at kundene kan handle via telefon. DEALING DESK FOREX EXECUTION MODEL. FXCM tilbyr også forex-utførelse via en Dealing Desk-utførelsesmodell. I denne modellen kan FXCMs kompensasjon ikke være begrenset til vår standardoppsetting og våre interesser kan være i direkte konflikt med din FXCM står overfor markedsrisiko som et resultat av å inngå handel med deg FXCM kan iverksette tiltak for å redusere risikoen som oppstår ved markedsutvikling, etter eget skjønn og når som helst og uten forutgående samtykke, overføre Din underliggende konto til vårt NDD-utførelsestilbud, FXCM, kan også velge å overføre kontoen til vårt NDD-tilbud uten NDD hvis egenkapitalbalansen i kontoen din overstiger maksimum 20.000 valutaenheter der kontoen er denominert. Egenkapitalen er definert som balansen i din konto pluss den flytende PL av dine åpne stillinger. Behandling Desk-utførelse og handel utføres ikke på en bytte FXCM er handling inngår som motpart i disse transaksjonene og fungerer derfor som kjøper når du selger og selgeren når du kjøper. FXCMs interesser kan derfor være i konflikt med deg. Med mindre annet er spesifisert i din skriftlige avtale eller andre skriftlige dokumenter, etablerer FXCM prisene som det tilbyr å handle med deg Prisene FXCM tilbyr kanskje ikke de beste prisene, og FXCM kan tilby forskjellige priser til forskjellige kunder Hvis FXCM velger å ikke dekke sin egen eksponering for handel, bør du være oppmerksom på at FXCM kan gjøre mer penger hvis markedet går imot deg. Valutaparene som er oppført nedenfor, er tilgjengelige på utførelsesutvalget Dealing Desk. FXCM garanterer ikke at anførselstegn, priser eller spreads alltid vil bli bedre på en form for utførelse i forhold til de andre. Kunder bør vurdere mange faktorer når det skal avgjøre hvilken type kjøring som passer best til deres behov, f. eks. interessekonflikt, handelsstil eller strategi etc. FXCM har som mål å gi kundene den beste utførelsen ionen er tilgjengelig og for å få alle bestillinger fylt med ønsket hastighet. Det er imidlertid tider da på grunn av økt volatilitet, kan ordrer bli utsatt for glidning. Slippage forekommer oftest under grunnleggende nyhetshendelser eller perioder med høy volatilitet. 17:00 EST er en kjent periode hvor mengden likviditet har en tendens til å være begrenset, da mange likviditetsleverandører avgjør transaksjoner for den dagen. For mer informasjon om hvorfor overgang skjer, se avsnittet om overgangskostnader. I perioder som disse, er bestillingen din, mengde demanded, and specific order instructions can have an impact on the overall execution you receive. The volatility in the market may create conditions where orders are difficult to execute For instance, the price you receive in the execution of your order might be many pips away from the selected or quoted price due to market movement In this scenario, the trader is looking to execute at a certain price but in a split second, for examp le, the market may have moved significantly away from that price The trader s order would then be filled at the next available price for that specific order FXCM provides a number of basic and advanced order types to help clients mitigate execution risk One way to mitigate the risk associated with slippage is to utilize the Market Range Max Deviation for MT4 users feature on FXCM s Platforms The Market Range feature allows traders to specify the amount of potential slippage they are willing to accept on a market order by defining a range Zero indicates that no slippage is permitted By selecting zero on the Market Range, the trader is requesting his order to be executed only at the selected or quoted price, not any other price Traders may elect to accept a wider range of permissible slippage to raise the probability of having their order s executed In this scenario the order will be filled at the best price available within the specified range For instance, a client may indicate that he is willing to be filled within 2 pips of his requested order price The system would then fill the client within the acceptable range in this instance, 2 pips if sufficient liquidity exists If the order cannot be filled within the specified range, the order will not be filled Please note, Market Range orders specify a negative range only If a more preferential rate is available at the time of execution traders are not limited by the specified range for the amount of positive price improvement they can receive. Additionally, when triggered, stop orders become a market order available for execution at the next available market price Stop orders guarantee execution but do not guarantee a particular price. When trading Forex via FXCM s dealing desk execution model, FXCM is the final counterparty to these transactions Therefore, FXCM is providing all liquidity for all currency prices it extends to its clients while dealing as counterparty FXCM is able to make auto execution available by limit ing the max trade size of all orders to 2 million per trade. DELAYS IN EXECUTION. A delay in execution may occur using a dealing desk model for various reasons, such as technical issues with the trader s internet connection to FXCM or by a lack of available liquidity for the currency pair that trader is attempting to trade Due to inherent volatility in the markets, it is imperative that traders have a working and reliable internet connection There are circumstances when the trader s personal internet connection may not be maintaining a constant connection with the FXCM servers due to a lack of signal strength from a wireless or dialup connection A disturbance in the connection path can sometimes interrupt the signal and disable the FXCM Trading Station, causing delays in the transmission of data between the trading station and the FXCM server One way to check your internet connection with FXCMs server is to ping the server from your computer. TIMEFRAME COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. FXCM endea vours to process orders within milliseconds however, there is no exact time frame for order processing. STAGES COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. When a client makes an order, FXCM first verifies the account for sufficient margin The order is then matched against quotes from liquidity providers A hedge order is then sent to the liquidity provider for execution Finally, the client s order is filled and open closed positions are updated. EXCEPTIONS COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. There may be exceptions to the typical transaction, such as delays due to abnormal order processing or malfunctions with internal or external processes In such cases, FXCM notifies clients as quickly as possible, depending on the complexity of the issue. FXCM s objective is to notify customers about these types of exceptions as quickly as possible, but the time for notification sometimes depends on the complexity of the issue under review. Trading station If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order will be highlighted in red, and the status column will indicate executed or processing, in the orders window In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. Metatrader 4 mt4 If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order window would remain open on the trading platform and reflect processing error In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. RESET ORDERS. Market volatility creates conditions that make it difficult to execute orders at the given price due to an extremely high volume of orders By the time orders are able to be executed, the bid ask price at which FXCM s Trading Desk is willing to take a position may be several pips away. In cases where the liquidity pool is not large enough to fill a Market Range order, the order will not be executed For Limit Entry or Limit orders, the order would not be executed but instead reset until the order can be filled Remember, both Limit Entry and Limit orders guarantee price but do not guarantee execution Depending on the underlying trading strategy and the underlying market conditions traders may be more concerned with execution versus the price received. WIDENED SPREADS. There may be instances when spreads widen beyond the typical spread Spreads are a function of market liquidity and in periods of limited l iquidity, at market open, or during rollover at 5 00 PM ET, spreads may widen in response to uncertainty in the direction of prices or to an uptick in market volatility, or lack of market liquidity It is not uncommon to see spreads widen particularly around rollover Trade rollover is typically a very quiet period in the market, since the business day in New York has just ended, and there are still a few hours before the new business day begins in Tokyo Being cognizant of these patterns and taking them into consideration while trading with open orders or placing new trades around these times can improve your trading experience This may occur during news events and spreads may widen substantially in order to compensate for the tremendous amount of volatility in the market The widened spreads may only last a few seconds or as long as a few minutes FXCM strongly encourages traders to utilize caution when trading around news events and always be aware of their account equity, usable margin and market exposure Widened spreads can adversely affect all positions in an account including hedged positions discussed below. HANGING ORDERS. During periods of high volume, hanging orders may occur This is a condition where an order is in the process of executing but execution has not yet been confirmed The order will be highlighted in red, and the status column will indicate executed or processing, in the orders window In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay in confirming certain orders. Depending on the type of order placed, outcomes may vary In the case of a Market Range order that cannot be filled within the specified range, or if the delay has passed, the order will not be executed In the case of an At Market order, every attempt will be made to fill the order at the next available price in the market In both situations, the status column in the orders window will typically indicate executed or processing The trade will simply take a few moments to move to the open positions window Depending upon the order type, the position may in fact have been executed, and the delay is simply due to heavy internet traffic. Keep in mind that it is only necessary to enter any order once Multiple entries for the same order may slow or lock your computer or inadvertently open unwanted positions. If at any time you are unable to access the FXCM Trading Station to manage your account, you may call the Trading Desk directly at 1 212-201-7300 View a full list of international contact numbers. GREYED OUT PRICING. Greyed out pricing is a condition that occurs when FXCM s Trading Desk is not actively making a market for particular currency pairs and liquidity therefore decreases FXCM does not intentionally grey out prices however, at times, a severe increase in the differenc e of the spread may occur due to an announcement that has a dramatic effect on the market that limits liquidity Such greying out of prices or increased spreads may result in margin calls on a traders account When an order is placed on a currency pair affected by greyed out prices, the P L will temporarily flash to zero until the pair has a tradable price and the system can calculate the P L balance. The ability to hedge allows a trader to hold both buy and sell positions in the same currency pair simultaneously Traders have the ability to enter the market without choosing a particular direction for a currency pair Although hedging may mitigate or limit future losses it does not prevent the account from being subjected to further losses altogether In the forex market a trader is able to fully hedge by quantity but not by price This is because of the difference between the buy and sell prices, or the spread Effective, 02 December 2012, FXCM traders will be required to put up margin for on e side the larger side of a hedged position Margin requirements can be monitored at all times in the simple dealing rates window While the ability to hedge is an appealing feature, traders should be aware of the following factors that may affect hedged positions. DIMINISHING MARGIN. A margin call may occur even when an account is fully hedged, since spreads may widen, causing the remaining margin in the account to diminish Should the remaining margin be insufficient to maintain any open positions, the account may sustain a margin call, closing out any open positions in the account Although maintaining a long and short position may give the trader the impression that his exposure to the market s movement is limited, if insufficient available margin exists and spreads widen for any period of time, it may certainly result in a margin call on all positions. ROLLOVER COSTS. Rollover is the simultaneous closing and opening of a position at a particular point during the day in order to avoid the settlement and delivery of the purchased currency This term also refers to the interest either charged or applied to a trader s account for positions held overnight, meaning after 5 p m ET on FXCM s Platforms The time at which positions are closed and reopened, and the rollover fee is debited or credited, is commonly referred to as Trade Rollover TRO It is important to note that rollover charges will be higher than rollover accruals When all positions are hedged in an account, although the overall net position may be flat, the account can still sustain losses due to the spread that occurs at the time rollover occurs Spreads during rollover may be wider when compared to other time periods because of FXCM s Trading Desk momentarily coming offline to settle the day s transactions. EXCHANGE RATE FLUCTUATIONS PIP COSTS. Exchange rate fluctuations, or pip costs, are defined as the value given to a pip movement for a particular currency pair This cost is the currency amount that will be gained or lost with each pip movement of the currency pair s rate and will be denominated in the currency denomination of the account in which the pair is being traded On the FXCM Platforms, the pip cost for all currency pairs can be found by selecting View, followed by Dealing Views, and then by clicking Simple Rates to apply the checkmark next to it If Simple Rates already has a check mark next to it, viewing the dealing rates in the simple view is as easy as clicking the Simple Dealing Rates tab in the dealing rates window Once visible, the simple rates view will display the pip cost on the right-hand side of the window. INVERTED SPREADS. When trading Forex with FXCM s dealing desk execution model, all quotable prices are provided by our Trading Desk FXCM s Trading Desk may rely on various third party sources for the prices that it makes available to clients In the event that a manifest misquoted price is provided to us from a source that we generally rely on, all trades executed on that man ifest misquoted price may be revoked, as the manifest misquoted price is not representative of genuine market activity These manifest misquoted prices can lead to an inversion in the spread. HOLIDAY WEEKEND EXECUTION. TRADING DESK HOURS. The trading desk opens on Sundays between 5 00 PM ET and 5 15 PM ET The trading desk closes on Fridays at 4 55 PM ET Please note that orders placed prior may be filled until 5 00 p m ET and that traders placing trades between 4 55 p m and 5 00 p m ET may be unable to cancel orders pending execution In the event that a Market GTC Order is submitted right at market close, the possibility exists that it may not be executed until Sunday market open Please use caution when trading around Friday s market close and factor all the information described above into any trading decision The open or close times may be altered by the Trading Desk because it relies on prices being offered by third party sources Outside of these hours, most of the major world banks and financial centres are closed The lack of liquidity and volume during the weekend impedes execution and price delivery. PRICES UPDATING BEFORE THE OPEN. Shortly prior to the open, the Trading Desk refreshes rates to reflect current market pricing in preparation for the open At this time, trades and orders held over the weekend are subject to execution Quotes during this time are not executable for new market orders After the open, traders may place new trades, and cancel or modify existing orders. Sunday s opening prices may or may not be the same as Friday s closing prices At times, the prices on the Sunday open are near where the prices were on the Friday close At other times, there may be a significant difference between Friday s close and Sunday s open The market may gap if there is a significant news announcement or an economic event changing how the market views the value of a currency Traders holding positions or orders over the weekend should be fully comfortable with the potential of the market to gap. ORDER EXECUTION. Limit orders are often filled at the requested price or better If the price requested or a better price is not available in the market, the order will not be filled If the requested price of a Stop order is reached at the open of the market on Sunday, the order will become a Market order Limit Entry orders are filled the same way as Limit orders Stop Entry orders are filled the same way as Stops. WEEKEND RISK. Traders who fear that the markets may be extremely volatile over the weekend, that gapping may occur, or that the potential for weekend risk is not appropriate for their trading style, may simply close out orders and positions ahead of the weekend It is imperative that traders who hold open positions over the weekend understand that the potential exists for major economic events and news announcements to affect the value of your underlying positions Given the volatility expressed in the markets it is not uncommon for prices to be a number of pi ps away on market open from market close We encourage all traders to take this into consideration before making a trading decision. MARGIN CALLS AND CLOSE OUTS. Margin calls are triggered when your usable margin falls below zero This occurs when your floating losses reduce your account equity to a level that is less than your margin requirement Therefore, the result of any margin call is subsequent liquidation unless otherwise specified. The idea of margin trading is that your margin acts as a good faith deposit to secure the larger notional value of your position Margin trading allows traders to hold a position much larger than the actual account value FXCM s Trading Station has margin management capabilities, which allow for the use of leverage Of course, trading on margin comes with risk as leverage may work against you as much as it works for you If account equity falls below margin requirements, the FXCM Trading Station will trigger an order to close all open positions When positions have been over-leveraged or trading losses are incurred to the point that insufficient equity exists to maintain current open positions and the account s usable margin falls below zero, a margin call will result and all open positions will be closed out liquidated. Please keep in mind that when the account s usable margin falls below zero, all open positions are triggered to close The liquidation process is designed to be entirely electronic. Although the margin call feature is designed to close positions when account equity falls below the margin requirements, there may be instances when liquidity does not exist at the exact margin call rate As a result, account equity can fall below margin requirements at the time orders are filled, even to the point where account equity becomes negative FXCM recommends that traders use Stop orders to limit downside risk in lieu of using a margin call as a final stop. It is strongly advised that clients maintain the appropriate amount of margin in thei r accounts at all times Margin requirements may be changed based on account size, simultaneous open positions, trading style, market conditions, and at the discretion of FXCM. METATRADER 4.Please note that MT4 users are subject to different margin call procedures When a margin call is triggered on the account individual positions will be liquidated until the remaining equity is sufficient to support existing position s In deciding what positions will be individually liquidated the largest losing position will be closed first during liquidation. CHART PRICING VS PRICES DISPLAYED ON THE PLATFORM. It is important to make a distinction between indicative prices displayed on charts and dealable prices displayed on the platforms, such as Trading Station and MetaTrader 4 Indicative quotes are those that offer an indication of the prices in the market, and the rate at which they are changing These prices are derived from a host of contributors such as banks and clearing firms, which may or may no t reflect where FXCM s liquidity providers are making prices Indicative prices are usually very close to dealing prices, but they only give an indication of where the market is Executable quotes ensure finer execution and thus a reduced transaction cost Because the spot forex market lacks a single central exchange where all transactions are conducted, each forex dealer may quote slightly different prices Therefore, any prices displayed by a third party charting provider, which does not employ the market maker s price feed, will reflect indicative prices and not necessarily actual dealing prices where trades can be executed. MOBILE TRADING PLATFORMS. There are a series of inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading technology such as the duplication of order instructions, latency in the prices provided, and other issues that are a result of mobile connectivity Prices displayed on the mobile platform are solely an indication of the executable rates and may not reflect the actual exec uted price of the order. Mobile TS II utilizes public communication network circuits for the transmission of messages FXCM shall not be liable for any and all circumstances in which you experience a delay in price quotation or an inability to trade caused by network circuit transmission problems or any other problems outside the direct control of FXCM Transmission problems include but are not limited to the strength of the mobile signal, cellular latency, or any other issues that may arise between you and any internet service provider, phone service provider, or any other service provider. It is strongly recommended that clients familiarise themselves with the functionality of the FXCM Mobile Trading Station prior to managing a live account via portable device. TS MOBILE TABLET APPLICATION. FXCM s Trading Station Web platform has been modified to run on mobile and tablet devices The mobile platform for tablets is called Trading Station Mobile and has the same trading features as Trading St ation Web The same connectivity risks described above regarding our Mobile TS II apply to use with any application made available for tablet trading. CFD Execution. HIGH RISK INVESTMENT. Trading Contracts for Difference CFD S on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors Before deciding to trade these products offered by Forex Capital Markets, Limited FXCM you should carefully consider your objectives, financial situation, needs and level of experience Forex Capital Markets, Limited is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority FCA Registration No 217689 FXCM maintains its registered office at Northern and Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, 8th Floor, London EC3R 6AD FXCM may provide general commentary without regard to your objectives, financial situation or needs General advice given, or the content of this website are not intended to be personal advice and should not be construed as such The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess of your deposited funds You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading on margin FXCM recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor. FXCM MARKET OPINIONS. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice FXCM will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. INTERNET TRADING RISKS. There are risks associated with utilising an internet-based deal-execution trading system including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and internet connection Since FXCM does not control signal power, its reception or routing via the internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, we cannot be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when trading via the internet FXCM employs backup systems and contingency plans to minimise the possibility of system failure, which includes allowing clients to trade via telephone. CFD EXECUTION MODEL. Contract for Difference products are generally subject to dealing desk execution FXCM reserves the right to switch a client s execution to No Dealing Desk without prior consent from client, for any reason, including but not limited to, the product being traded, trading style of client, or volume traded FXCM does not generally execute CFD orders with an external counterparty FXCM is the final counterparty for most CFD positions which you undertake Please note that as the final counterparty FXCM may receive compensation beyond our standard fixed mark-up FXCM makes prices for the CFD instruments it offers to its clients Although these prices may be indicative of the underlying market for the product being traded, they do not represent the actual prices of the underlying asset on t he physical market or exchange where it is listed. As dealer, FXCM accumulates exposure for the products we deal to you As such, FXCM may take steps to mitigate risk accumulated during the market making process Therefore, FXCM provides automatic execution of all orders submitted for execution up to a certain amount In the event that you exhibit behaviours that prevent FXCM from mitigating exposure, we may, in our sole discretion remove you from participation of auto execution Removal from auto execution means that each order will be confirmed by a dealer before it is processed to ensure that we are able to mitigate any market risk. In the case that FXCM provides execution for CFD s through a straight through processing, or No Dealing Desk execution model, FXCM passes on to its clients the best prices that are provided by one of FXCM s liquidity providers with a fixed mark-up for each product In this model, FXCM does not act as a market marker and is reliant on liquidity providers for pri cing and there are certain limitations to liquidity that can affect the final execution of your order. For more information on the CFD execution model, read the CFD FAQs. FXCM aims to provide clients with the best execution available and to get all orders filled at the requested rate However, there are times when, due to an increase in volatility or volume, orders may be subject to slippage Slippage most commonly occurs during fundamental news events or periods of limited liquidity Instances such as trade rollover 5pm EST is a known period in which the amount of liquidity tends to be limited as many liquidity providers settle transactions for that day For more information on why rollover occurs, see the section on Rollover Costs During periods such as these, your order type, quantity demanded, and specific order instructions can have an impact on the overall execution you receive. Examples of specific order instructions include. Good Til Cancelled GTC Orders - Your entire order will be fil led at the next available price s at the time it is received. Immediate or Cancel IOC Orders - All or part of your order will be filled at the next available price with the remaining amount cancelled should liquidity not exist to fill your order immediately. Fill or Kill FOK Orders - The order must be filled in its entirety or not at all. The volatility in the market may create conditions where orders are difficult to execute For instance, the price you receive in the execution of your order might be many pips away from the selected or quoted price due to market movement In this scenario, the trader is looking to execute at a certain price but in a split second, for example, the market may have moved significantly away from that price The trader s order would then be filled at the next price available price for that specific order Similarly, given FXCM s models for execution, sufficient liquidity must exist to execute all trades at any price. FXCM provides a number of basic and advanced or der types to help clients mitigate execution risk One way to mitigate the risk associated with slippage is to utilize the Market Range Max Deviation for MT4 users feature on FXCM s Platforms The Market Range feature allows traders to specify the amount of potential slippage they are willing to accept on a market order by defining a range Zero indicates that no slippage is permitted By selecting zero on the Market Range, the trader is requesting his order to be executed only at the selected or quoted price, not any other price Traders may elect to accept a wider range of permissible slippage to raise the probability of having their order s executed In this scenario the order will be filled at the best price available within the specified range For instance, a client may indicate that he is willing to be filled within 2 pips of his requested order price The system would then fill the client within the acceptable range in this instance, 2 pips if sufficient liquidity exists If the order c annot be filled within the specified range, the order will not be filled Please note, Market Range orders specify a negative range only If a more preferential rate is available at the time of execution traders are not limited by the specified range for the amount of positive price improvement they can receive. Additionally, when triggered, stop orders become a market order available for execution at the next available market price Stop orders guarantee execution but do not guarantee a particular price Therefore, stop orders may incur slippage depending on market conditions. When trading Forex via FXCM s dealing desk execution model, FXCM is the final counterparty to these transactions Therefore, FXCM is providing all liquidity for all currency prices it extends to its clients while dealing as counterparty FXCM is able to make auto execution available by limiting the max trade size of all orders to 2 million per trade. In addition to the order type, a trader must consider the availability of the instrument prior to making any trading decision As in all financial markets, some instruments within that market will have greater depth of liquidity than others Ample liquidity allows the trader to seamlessly enter or exit positions, near immediacy of execution, and minimal slippage during normal market conditions However, certain products have more liquid markets than others. DELAYS IN EXECUTION. A delay in execution may occur for various reasons, such as technical issues with the trader s internet connection to FXCM or by a lack of available liquidity for the instrument that the trader is attempting to trade Due to inherent volatility in the markets, it is imperative that traders have a working and reliable internet connection There are circumstances when the trader s personal internet connection may not be maintaining a constant connection with the FXCM servers due to a lack of signal strength from a wireless or dialup connection A disturbance in the connection path can someti mes interrupt the signal and disable the FXCM Trading Station, causing delays in the transmission of data between the trading station and the FXCM server One way to check your internet connection with FXCMs server is to ping the server from your computer. TIMEFRAME COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. FXCM endeavours to process orders within milliseconds however, there is no exact time frame for order processing. STAGES COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. With DD Execution, when a client makes an order, FXCM can match against quotes from liquidity providers A hedge order can be sent to the liquidity provider for execution Finally, the client s order is filled and open closed positions are updated. With DD Execution, FXCM can hedge an order against current exposure or fill it in with our own liquidity book. EXCEPTIONS COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. There may be exceptions to the typical transaction, such as delays due to abnormal order processing or malfunctions with internal or external processes In such cases, FXC M notifies clients as quickly as possible, depending on the complexity of the issue. FXCM s objective is to notify customers about these types of exceptions as quickly as possible, but the time for notification sometimes depends on the complexity of the issue under review. Trading station If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order will be highlighted in red, and the status column will indicate executed or processing, in the orders window In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. Metatrader 4 mt4 If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order window would remain open on the trading platform and refle ct processing error In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. RESET ORDERS. Market volatility creates conditions that make it difficult to execute orders at the given price due to an extremely high volume of orders By the time orders are able to be executed, the bid ask price may be several pips away. There may be cases where a Market Range order is not executed due to a lack of liquidity or the inability to act as counterparty to your trade For Limit Entry or Limit orders, the order would not be executed but instead reset until the order can be filled Remember, both Limit Entry and Limit orders guarantee price but d o not guarantee execution Depending on the underlying trading strategy and the underlying market conditions traders may be more concerned with execution versus the price received. Depending on the type of order placed, outcomes may vary In the case of a Market Range order that cannot be filled within the specified range, or if the delay has passed, the order will not be executed In the case of an At Market order, every attempt will be made to fill the order at the next available price in the market In both situations, the status column in the orders window will typically indicate executed or processing The trade will simply take a few moments to move to the open positions window Depending upon the order type, the position may in fact have been executed, and the delay is simply due to heavy internet traffic. Keep in mind that it is only necessary to enter any order once Multiple entries for the same order may slow or lock your computer or inadvertently open unwanted positions. If at any ti me you are unable to access the FXCM Trading Station to manage your account, you may call the Trading Desk directly at 1 212-201-7300 View a full list of international contact numbers. GREYED OUT PRICING. Greyed out pricing is a condition that occurs when FXCM s Trading Desk or liquidity provider that supplies pricing to FXCM is not actively making a market for particular instruments and liquidity therefore decreases FXCM does not intentionally grey out prices however, at times, a severe increase in the difference of the spread may occur due to an announcement that has a dramatic effect on the market that limits liquidity Such greying out of prices or increased spreads may result in margin calls on a traders account When an order is placed on an instrument affected by greyed out prices, the P L will temporarily flash to zero until the pair has a tradable price and the system can calculate the P L balance. The ability to hedge allows a trader to hold both buy and sell positions in the same instrument simultaneously Traders have the ability to enter the market without choosing a particular direction Although hedging may mitigate or limit future losses it does not prevent the account from being subjected to further losses altogether FXCM traders are required to put up margin for one side the larger side of a hedged position Margin requirements can be monitored at all times in the simple dealing rates window While the ability to hedge is an appealing feature, traders should be aware of the following factors that may affect hedged positions. DIMINISHING MARGIN. A margin call may occur even when an account is fully hedged, since spreads may widen, causing the remaining margin in the account to diminish Should the remaining margin be insufficient to maintain any open positions, the account may sustain a margin call, closing out any open positions in the account Although maintaining a long and short position may give the trader the impression that his exposure to the market s mo vement is limited, if insufficient available margin exists and spreads widen for any period of time, it may certainly result in a margin call on all positions. ROLLOVER COSTS. Rollover is the simultaneous closing and opening of a position at a particular point during the day in order to avoid the settlement and delivery of the purchased currency This term also refers to the interest either charged or applied to a trader s account for positions held overnight, meaning after 5 p m ET on FXCM s Platforms The time at which positions are closed and reopened, and the rollover fee is debited or credited, is commonly referred to as Trade Rollover TRO It is important to note that rollover charges will be higher than rollover accruals When all positions are hedged in an account, although the overall net position may be flat, the account can still sustain losses due to the spread that occurs at the time rollover occurs Spreads during rollover may be wider when compared to other time periods because of FXCM s Trading Desk or liquidity providers momentarily coming offline to settle the day s transactions. EXCHANGE RATE FLUCTUATIONS PIP COSTS. Exchange rate fluctuations, or pip costs, are defined as the value given to a pip movement for a particular instrument This cost is the currency amount that will be gained or lost with each pip movement of the instrument s rate and will be denominated in the currency denomination of the account in which the pair is being traded On the FXCM Platforms, the pip cost can be found by selecting View, followed by Dealing Views, and then by clicking Simple Rates to apply the checkmark next to it If Simple Rates already has a check mark next to it, viewing the dealing rates in the simple view is as easy as clicking the Simple Dealing Rates tab in the dealing rates window Once visible, the simple rates view will display the pip cost on the right-hand side of the window. INVERTED SPREADS. FXCM s Trading Desk may rely on various third party sources for the p rices that it makes available to clients In the event that a manifest misquoted price is provided to us from a source that we generally rely, all trades executed on that manifest misquoted price may be revoked, as the manifest misquoted price is not representative of genuine market activity These manifest misquoted prices can lead to an inversion in the spread. HOLIDAY WEEKEND EXECUTION. TRADING DESK HOURS. The hours for each CFD are determined by FXCM s Trading Desk based on the schedule for trading on the exchange for the underlying market, commodity, or asset. Please refer to the CFD Product Guide for specific hours for each instrument. FXCM aims to open markets as close to the posted trading hours as possible However, liquidity at or around market open close for any CFD instrument can be very thin FXCM may delay market open on specific instruments by several minutes to protect clients from quoted prices that are not representative of the true market price Traders are advised to use extr eme caution during these periods and to utilize FXCM s basic and advanced orders types to mitigate execution risk Based on the illiquidity illustrated during these time periods traders using market orders can experience slippage, or gapping in prices that can have a material impact on your final execution price. PRICES UPDATING BEFORE THE OPEN. Shortly prior to the open, the Trading Desk refreshes rates to reflect current market pricing in preparation for the open At this time, trades and orders held over the weekend are subject to execution Quotes during this time are not executable for new market orders After the open, traders may place new trades, and cancel or modify existing orders. There is a substantial risk that stop-loss orders left to protect open positions held overnight may be executed at levels significantly worse than their specified pricemensurate with the opening closing of the market for the underlying instrument, CFD traders may experience gaps in market prices Due to th e volatility expressed during these time periods, trading at the open or at the close, can involve additional risk and must be factored into any trading decision These time periods are specifically mentioned because they are associated with the lowest levels of market liquidity and can be followed by significant movements in prices for both the CFD, and the underlying instrument. ORDER EXECUTION. Limit orders are often filled at the requested price or better If the price requested or a better price is not available in the market, the order will not be filled If the requested price of a Stop order is reached at the open of the market on Sunday, the order will become a Market order Limit Entry orders are filled the same way as Limit orders Stop Entry orders are filled the same way as Stops. WEEKEND RISK. Traders who fear that the markets may be extremely volatile over the weekend, that gapping may occur, or that the potential for weekend risk is not appropriate for their trading style, may s imply close out orders and positions ahead of the weekend It is imperative that traders who hold open positions over the weekend understand that the potential exists for major economic events and news announcements to affect the value of your underlying positions Given the volatility expressed in the markets it is not uncommon for prices to be a number of pips away on market open from market close We encourage all traders to take this into consideration before making a trading decision. MARGIN CALLS AND CLOSE OUTS. Margin calls are triggered when your usable margin falls below zero This occurs when your floating losses reduce your account equity to a level that is less than your margin requirement Therefore, the result of any margin call is subsequent liquidation unless otherwise specified. FXCM process all liquidations for CFD products automatically Open and close times for the underlying reference market are determined by the exchange, or third party execution venue, and not by FXCM If the client s liquidation event is triggered during the period when the underlying reference market is closed, it may be necessary for the FXCM Trading Desk to wait until the underlying reference market re-opens before liquidation of the CFD positions can be finalized Depending on market conditions, this could mean that the final price the client receives is a significant number of points away from the price that triggered the client s liquidation If the clients account contains open positions for both CFD and forex at the time liquidation is triggered it is possible that only the client s forex positions will be liquidated This would only occur in situations where the underlying reference market for the client s CFD positions is closed, and the liquidation of the client s forex positions satisfies the liquidation requirement. METATRADER 4.Please note that MT4 users are subject to different margin call procedures When a margin call is triggered on the account individual positions will be liquidated until the remaining equity is sufficient to support existing position s In deciding what positions will be individually liquidated the largest losing position will be closed first during liquidation. CHART PRICING VS PRICES DISPLAYED ON THE PLATFORM. It is important to make a distinction between indicative prices displayed on charts and dealable prices displayed on the platforms, such as Trading Station and MetaTrader 4 Indicative quotes are those that offer an indication of the prices in the market, and the rate at which they are changing These prices are derived from a host of contributors such as banks and clearing firms, which may or may not reflect where FXCM s liquidity providers are making prices Indicative prices are usually very close to dealing prices, but they only give an indication of where the market is Executable quotes ensure finer execution and thus a reduced transaction cost Because the spot forex market lacks a single central exchange where all transactions are conducted, each forex dealer may quote slightly different prices Therefore, any prices displayed by a third party charting provider, which does not employ the market maker s price feed, will reflect indicative prices and not necessarily actual dealing prices where trades can be executed. MOBILE TRADING PLATFORMS. There are a series of inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading technology such as the duplication of order instructions, latency in the prices provided, and other issues that are a result of mobile connectivity Prices displayed on the mobile platform are solely an indication of the executable rates and may not reflect the actual executed price of the order. Mobile TS II utilizes public communication network circuits for the transmission of messages FXCM shall not be liable for any and all circumstances in which you experience a delay in price quotation or an inability to trade caused by network circuit transmission problems or any other problems outside the direct c ontrol of FXCM Transmission problems include but are not limited to the strength of the mobile signal, cellular latency, or any other issues that may arise between you and any internet service provider, phone service provider, or any other service provider. Please note some features of the FXCM Trading Station will not be available on the FXCM Mobile Trading Station Key differences include, but are not limited to, charting packages, daily interest rolls will not appear, and the maintenance margin requirement per financial instrument will not be available It is strongly recommended that clients familiarise themselves with the functionality of the FXCM Mobile Trading Station prior to managing a live account via portable device. TS MOBILE TABLET APPLICATION. FXCM s Trading Station Web platform has been modified to run on mobile and tablet devices The mobile platform is called Trading Station Mobile With the exception of OCO orders one-cancels-other , Trading Station Mobile for tablet devices has the same trading features as Trading Station Web The same connectivity risks described above regarding our Mobile TS II apply to use with any application made available for tablet trading. FXCM MetaTrader 4 Execution. Individuals should review the information below carefully which details the differences regarding execution, trading features, and platform settings specific to the FXCM MT4 platform. Trade Execution. Orders to open and close trades, as well as take profit TP orders execute Fill or Kill These orders only execute if they can fill in their entirety at the requested price These orders cannot be broken up and filled at multiple prices. In the event that sufficient liquidity is not immediately available to execute a Fill or Kill order in its entirety, execution ceases. Stop Loss SL orders, and orders submitted due to margin call do not execute Fill or Kill These orders do fill in their entirety at the same price however, execution will not cease if sufficient liquidity is not i mmediately available Execution will continue until a price becomes available to fill the entire order. The maximum number of open orders is capped at 500 individual orders per account This restriction includes both open orders and pending orders The MT4 platform will display an error message if traders attempt to open more than 500 individual orders Stop Losses and Take Profits are exempt from this restriction. Margin Call. The margin call policy for FXCM MetaTrader 4 accounts is different from all other FXCM accounts When a margin call occurs, trades will be closed one by one until Free Margin is greater than zero. Interest rates are not displayed on the MetaTrader 4 Platform however, traders will pay or accrue interest in accordance with the current FXCM rates To obtain the rollover rates traders can view them on the FXCM Trading Station II platform or call FXCM customer service for current rates Please be advised that interest rates are provided to FXCM by multiple liquidity providers E very effort is made to display rollover rates one day in advance on the FXCM Trading Station II However, during times of extreme market volatility, rates may change intraday. Any positions that are open at 5 p m ET sharp are considered to be held overnight, and are subject to rollover A position opened at 5 01 p m is not subject to rollover until the next day, while a position opened at 4 59 p m is subject to rollover at 5 p m ET. Expert Advisor. Expert Advisor s EA are automated trading tools that can perform all or part of a trading strategy While FXCM offers proprietary EAs, there are others developed by third parties FXCM does not vouch for the accuracy or reliability provided by the EAs not in its control Traders utilizing an EA do so at their own risk Additionally, many EA s employ the use of micro lots and do not account for fractional pip pricing On the FXCM MetaTrader 4 platform the smallest lot size increment is 1k and fractional pips are used Prior to trading, please contact yo ur EA provider to discuss the lot sizes used in the program and any potential issues that may arise from fractional pip pricing. Max Deviation. With FXCM MetaTrader 4, all orders execute using instant execution This MetaTrader 4 execution type enables the maximum deviation max deviation feature. The maximum deviation feature was designed to control slippage - both negative and positive - in the following way When creating an order, a number is specified in tenths of a pip 0 in the max deviation field This number is the maximum amount of slippage the order can receive If the market price moves beyond this amount while the order is executing, the order will cancel automatically This is how the maximum deviation feature was designed to function. FXCM trading policy allows for unlimited positive slippage on all order types Therefore, FXCM has developed a way to override the restriction that the maximum deviation feature places on positive slippage All orders placed on the FXCM MetaTrader 4 pla tform fill with the greatest amount of positive slippage possible. In the event that an order fills with positive slippage beyond the maximum deviation the platform logs a message in the Journal tab The message has the following format - Positive Slippage - is the positive slippage the order received beyond the maximum deviation. If the market price moves negatively beyond the maximum deviation, the order cancels automatically When this occurs, an Off Quotes message is displayed This is a standard MetaTrader 4 message notifying the user that an order canceled because the market price deviated beyond the order setting. Please note dependent upon market conditions, a lower maximum deviation amount can increase the likelihood that an order will be rejected due to the market price moving outside of the maximum deviation. Pending Orders. You cannot use a pending order to close a trade or a portion of it Pending orders can only be used to open new trades For example, assume that an account is lon g 0 2 EUR USD A trader then creates a pending order to sell 0 1 EUR USD If the pending order price is reached, the order will trigger for execution However, because the pending order is attempting to trade in the opposite direction of the existing long trade, the pending order will automatically cancel, leaving the long trade unaffected. When closing a trade, MetaTrader 4 users can use stop loss and take profit orders as an alternative to pending orders. Cross-Platform Compatibility. FXCM MetaTrader 4 login credentials grant a user with access to the FXCM Trading Station platforms Therefore, FXCM MetaTrader 4 account holders can place and manage trades and orders through the FXCM Trading Station platforms Account details for retail clients e g orders, trades, P L, margin, equity will match on all of these platforms and their statement of records However, please note that some functionality available on the FXCM Trading Station platforms may not be available on the FXCM MetaTrader 4 platfo rm. FXCM MetaTrader 4.FXCM MetaTrader 4 allows for order sizes up to 50 million per trade Traders have the ability to trade incremental sizes multiple orders of 50 million for the same pair The FXCM MetaTrader 4 Platform does not show pip costs The potential exists for variations in pricing displayed between servers These differences do not have an impact on prices available for execution but can impact the prices used to trigger resting orders. FXCM MetaTrader 4 Server Information. Under rare circumstances it may be necessary to type in a server address when logging into FXCM MetaTrader 4 A list of FXCM s MT4 server names and addresses has been provided below So long as you download FXCM MetaTrader 4 here and install it on your computer or VPS, you will not need these server addresses. If you need to enter the server address when logging in, be sure to use the one that corresponds to the server name that your account is assigned to As an example, if your account s server name is MT4USDREA L01, you would use. TIMEFRAME COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. FXCM endeavours to process orders within milliseconds however, there is no exact time frame for order processing. STAGES COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. With DD Execution, when a client makes an order, FXCM can match against quotes from liquidity providers A hedge order can be sent to the liquidity provider for execution Finally, the client s order is filled and open closed positions are updated. With DD Execution, FXCM can hedge an order against current exposure or fill it in with our own liquidity book. EXCEPTIONS COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. There may be exceptions to the typical transaction, such as delays due to abnormal order processing or malfunctions with internal or external processes In such cases, FXCM notifies clients as quickly as possible, depending on the complexity of the issue. FXCM s objective is to notify customers about these types of exceptions as quickly as possible, but the time for notification sometimes depends on the c omplexity of the issue under review. Trading station If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order will be highlighted in red, and the status column will indicate executed or processing, in the orders window In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. Metatrader 4 mt4 If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order window would remain open on the trading platform and reflect processing error In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy tradin g volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. Risk Warning Our service includes products that are traded on margin and carry a risk of losses in excess of your deposited funds The products may not be suitable for all investors Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. High Risk Investment Warning Trading foreign exchange and or contracts for differences on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess of your deposited funds Before deciding to trade the products offered by FXCM you should carefully consider your objectives, financial situation, needs and level of experience You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading on margin FXCM provides general advice that does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs The content of this Website must not be construed as personal advice FXCM recommends you seek advice from a separate financial advisor. Please click here to read full risk warning. Forex Capital Markets Limited FXCM LTD is an operating subsidiary within the FXCM group of companies collectively, the FXCM Group All references on this site to FXCM refer to the FXCM Group. Forex Capital Markets Limited is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority Registration number 217689.Tax Treatment The UK tax treatment of your financial betting activities depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future, or may differ in other jurisdictions. Copyright 2017 Forex Capital Markets All rights reserved. Northern Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, 8th Floor, London EC3R 6AD Company incorporated in England Wales No 04072877 with registered office as above. We use cookies to enhance the performance and func tionality of our site, which ultimately improves your browsing experience By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies You may change your cookie settings at any time Learn More. Your browser is out of date. Working at the weekend in forex trading. Forex markets are highly liquid and can be traded 5 days a week, 24 hours a day giving thousands of profitable opportunities for enthusiastic traders. So much so that when the weekend comes, the obsessive forex trader may not know what to do with himself If you find yourself with nothing particular to do at the weekends and sometimes wished markets traded 7 days a week, use the time to your advantage The weekend is the perfect time to plan for the upcoming week. Catch up on analysis. When markets are in full flow during the week it can be hard to follow everything that is going on Trading takes up a great deal of time and any decisions need to be made quickly. The weekend is therefore the ideal time to look over any inte resting price moves that occurred during the week It is a time to update your spreadsheets, to go over your previous trades and to read any interesting news stories or articles. Every Friday, the Commitment of Traders Report is released, so you can use the weekend to study this report and analyse how many traders are positioned short or long of each currency pair This work will be invaluable in letting you analyse where the bias is in certain markets and whether you want to trade with the crowd or against it That is a personal decision that you will have to make. The next step is to have a look at the economic calendar for the week ahead and make a note of the big market releases Some will have little effect but others will lead to big market moves Make a note of what the market is expecting and make a plan of action that involves detailing how to trade ahead of the release and how to react when the release comes out. Tune in to the markets. Above all, the weekend is the perfect opportunit y to retune yourself with the markets Look at how prices reacted to certain events during the week and you should be able to find a bias as to which way markets are headed. For example, if there was a lot of positive news for EURUSD but the currency did not go up, the bias is probably bearish, and if bad news comes out next week, the currency may well drop. Understanding the expectations of each market and how traders are positioned will allow you to align yourself in the direction of the trend You can then choose which markets are trending the best and discover whether any important technical price levels are coming up. In this way, you can set up trading plans for each day These shouldn t be set in stone but they should be designed to give you a framework by which you can more easily make the right trading decisions. OANDA Closes Weekend Trading. US Forex broker Oanda was one of the only brokers to enable trading over the weekends It is now adjusting its hours to most brokers and closes t rading between Friday at 20 00 GMT until Sunday at 19 00 GMT. The change begins on Friday, July 6th This follows the rare step in which OANDA closed trading during the final hours of the Greek elections on Sunday June 17th This is one of the first significant decisions made by the new CEO K Duker. More details are available here. NEW YORK, July 4, 2012 OANDA Corporation will adjust its operating policy indefinitely to bring trading hours in line with industry standards Beginning this Friday, July 6, 2012, the online market maker s weekly trading session will close on Friday afternoons at 4 00 PM EDT and reopen Sunday afternoons at approximately 3 00 PM EDT. OANDA was the sole forex provider to offer weekend trading, and did so as a client service despite the fact that global forex markets do not operate on Saturdays and Sundays Regular weekday trading will not be impacted by this alteration to OANDA s operating hours. Maintaining a market when the international currency markets are closed represents a significant challenge, noted OANDA s Chief Technology Officer, Tony Savor In the absence of live market data, OANDA could still offer a price for each currency pair, but with no active market in which to hedge customer trades, OANDA was forced to take on greater risk To mitigate this risk, it was necessary to increase spreads but this was deemed to be at odds with OANDA s objective of keeping client costs as low as possible Our commitment to providing low spreads was a major consideration in this decision. We understand that for some, this change in trading hours will be an inconvenience, said OANDA CEO K Duker, but when we compare the risk weekend trading represents with the very low volumes actually traded, the obvious conclusion is to suspend trading during non-market hours This will also enable OANDA to concentrate additional resources on accommodating the needs of our clients during regular market hours, when the vast majority of our clients depend on OANDA to provide a fair and efficient market in which to trade. About Author. Yohay Elam Founder, Writer and Editor I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I ve accumulated After taking a short course about forex Like many forex traders, I ve earned the significant share of my knowledge the hard way Macroeconomics, the impact of news on the ever-moving currency markets and trading psychology have always fascinated me Before founding Forex Crunch, I ve worked as a prog rammer in various hi-tech companies I have a B Sc in Computer Science from Ben Gurion University Given this background, forex software has a relatively bigger share in the posts Yohay s Google Profile. Related Posts. How to Trade the FOREX Weekend Gaps. More Articles. Weekend gap trading is a popular strategy with foreign exchange, or Forex, traders While technically open around the clock, Forex trading closes on Friday afternoon and doesn t reopen until Sunday evening Many news announcements and world events that affect currency prices can happen between trading sessions Forex investors trade the weekend gap by expecting Sunday s opening price to return to Friday s closing price. Go online to your Forex trading account or open an account if you do not have one Pull up the list of currencies and select a heavily traded pair The euro-U S dollar EUR USD is the most popular pair to trade, followed closely by the U S dollar-Japanese yen USD JPY and the British pound sterling-U S dollar GPB USD Of the three, the EUR USD is the most liquid and least volatile, making it an excellent currency pair to trade during the weekend gap. Pull up the closing price for 5 p m EST Friday for the currency pair you select Using the USD JPY pair as an example, say the closing price on Friday at 5 p m was 82 00 Log this information in your notebook You will use this closing price to determine if the gap can be traded when the Tokyo market opens on Sunday at 7 p m EST. Decide how large the gap must be before you will enter a trade For example, if you want to trade a 1 percent gap in the USD JPY, you will look for the opening price to gap up around 82 80 82 00 x 1 percent 80 or gap down to 81 20 You can adjust the percentage higher or lower to fit your risk tolerance. Wait for the Tokyo market to open at 7 p m Sunday Enter a trade if the opening USD JPY rate is at least 82 80 or 81 20 Use Friday s closing price of 82 00 as your profit target For example, if the market at opening gaps up at 82 80, yo u would sell the currency pair and look to close the trade when the price hits 82 00 if the market opens at 81 20, you will buy the currency pair and close the trade when the price hits 82 00 Keep the trade open until the gap is filled or if the currency chart indicates the gap will continue to widen. Items you will need. Online Forex trading account. Use additional chart indicators to help determine if you should keep the trade open past the initial gap filling or close out the trade. Although the Sydney, Australia, Forex market opens at 6 p m Sunday EST , it is too thinly traded to support the weekend gap trade strategy Wait for the Tokyo market to open an hour later for better trading volume. is an A Rated BBB. Logo BBB Better Business Bureau. Copyright Zacks Investment Research. At the center of everything we do is a strong commitment to independent research and sharing its profitable discoveries with investors This dedication to giving investors a trading advantage led to the creation of our proven Zacks Rank stock-rating system Since 1986 it has nearly tripled the S P 500 with an average gain of 26 per year These returns cover a period from 1986-2011 and were examined and attested by Baker Tilly, an independent accounting firm. Visit performance for information about the performance numbers displayed above. NYSE and AMEX data is at least 20 minutes delayed NASDAQ data is at least 15 minutes delayed.


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